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  1. How to calculate impairment losses ?

  2. Impairment loss is calculated as the asset’s or CGU’s carrying amount less the asset’s or CGU’s recoverable amount.

    If it is not possible to calculate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, then calculate the recoverable amount of the whole CGU and determine impairment loss for the whole CGU.

    The CGU’s impairment loss then must be allocated to the individual assets.

    So, if you calculated the impairment loss for the whole pizzeria, then you must allocate this loss to its individual assets, including the pizza oven :).

    Read complete article by visiting below given source .

    Source : http://www.ifrsbox.com/ifrs-in-1-day/sample-chapter-222/

  3. Follow below given source also to learn How is impairment loss calculated?
    Below given source is taken from http://www.investopedia.com , which is a very popular reliable site.

    Source : http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/101314/how-impairment-loss-calculated.asp
